3D Scanning
3D laser scanning services to any scope. Data capture to the smallest detail.
To see what we’re capable of, it’s helpful to see what we’ve done. The following projects are only a small sampling of the work we do at Precision Surveying and Consulting. If you don’t see what you’re looking for, feel free to contact us for more information about your project and our capabilities.
Case Study # 1
Storm Damage Recovery
A seasonal storm damaged one of our clients’ large glass skylights. Because of safety concerns associated with hand-measuring this complex and elevated structure, we were contracted to scan the damaged area from safe vantage points. 3D scanning allowed the project to be completed with the highest regard to safety, and the data we provided helped our client design a replacement that required minimal time spent on in-field assembly.Case Study #4
Facilities Update
An industrial client of ours came to us with a common concern. They were adding a pipe run to a very congested boiler room and wanted to reduce shutdown time and in-the-field modifications. By leveraging our scanning and modeling ability, our client got the data they needed to design and prefabricate the pipe and completely pre-plan the installation process. This workflow allowed them to achieve the installation with only one field weld. It also greatly reduced the shutdown time associated with the project.Case Study #5
Historic Preservation
Members of the Taylor County Historical Society came to us with a unique problem. A historical structure, the 1906 Lenox round barn, which had been moved and reconstructed on-site in 1998, was missing a key structural component. Our team scanned every board and every beam to help design a replacement and save this historical landmark for future generations.Case Study #2
Building Repurpose
Due to industry changes, one of our clients needed a complex production facility completely scanned and modeled to develop a plan to transition to manufacture a new product. Our experts scanned, identified and modeled the entire facility according to specifications. The resulting data from the facility scanning allowed our client to reuse a building and repurpose a significant number of structures within, saving a great amount of time and money.Case Study #3
Identifying A Need
Additions to a client’s facility required additional piping to be installed to an existing pipe rack. Our specialists scanned the pipe rack to determine the best route for the new piping. The scan and model data we provided informed our client on the need to design structural support to accommodate the additional piping. By having a complete model, our client was able to efficiently design and perform the work in accordance with the industry’s highest safety standards.
Storm Damage Recovery
Safety concerns associated with hand measuring an elevated glass skylight that had been broken by storm damage led the client to us.Facilities Update
To minimize shutdown time and in-field modifications, we were selected for our scanning and modeling services to design and prefabricate before installation.Historic Preservation
To save the historical structure that is the 1906 Lenox round barn, the historical society turned to us to discover a missing key structural component.Building Repurpose
Data from our complete 3D scanning and modeling reduced the time and costs of renovating a complex facility to manufacture a new product.Identifying A Need
With plans to add a pipe to an existing rack, our 3D scan and model identified the need for more structural support.